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Reddthat P2Pool Server Statistics

Reddthat Pool

(note: stats reset on restart)
Hashrate 15 Minutes 3.417 kH/s
Hashrate 1 Hour 4.238 kH/s
Hashrate 24 Hours 5.327 kH/s
Shares Found 216
Shares Failed 0
Current Effort 64.305%
Average Effort 100.852%
Total Hashes 23.954 G
Miner Connections 3
Block reward share 0.089%
Uptime Difficulty Hashrate Name
1 week, 2 days and 16 hours 50.357 k 1.678 k x
1 week, 4 days and 1 hour 34.610 k 1.160 k x
2 weeks, 5 days and 8 hours 33.182 k 1.106 k YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS

Global Pool

Hash Rate 11.065 MH/s
Round Hashes 113.730 G
Last Block Found 3235934
2 hours, 48 minutes and 9 seconds ago
Payout Method pplns
2160 block window (~6 hours)
(since instance birth: 5 weeks, 1 day and 14 hours ago)
Total Hashes 1.043 P
Blocks Found 110
Known Miners 1192

Reddthat Help

Support Reddthat This is another way to support Reddthat in an anonymous way.
You can use your computer's CPU power to contribute to our P2Pool
Our main Funding & Donation page is available here:
As always this is optional for our users.
How: 1. Download a Gupax Bundle :
2. XMRig Tab (Top) -> Advanced (Bottom)
3. Enter in Settings as shown below:
3. Save
4. Click the Start button
Gupax Settings: Click for High Res Image
Pool Info Host:
Port: 3333